Why is the infant mortality rate so high in Afghanistan?

Why is the infant mortality rate so high in Afghanistan? Note to the reader: Names and images have been changed to protect identities. According to the CIA website, Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate in the world. In fact, 110.6 out of every 1,000 babies born in Afghanistan do not live to see their first […]


A glimpse of innocence in an otherwise harsh world. Nights used to be long. When the stars awoke, my mother would usher me to the dark corner of our small recycled home. Unknown faces made their way into our sleeping space and then shuffled out just as quickly as they came. I would spend the […]

On location: filming in a brothel in Bangladesh

On location: filming in a brothel in Bangladesh It was a long drive from the capital city of Dhaka, but then again every drive in and around Dhaka is long no matter if its two or twenty miles. Once out of the city, lush green jungle reflected off the rice paddies. The speed of our […]

Who are the Rohingya?

I just got back from Bangladesh. This time, I went to meet Rohingya refugees. It’s a really horrific situation to comprehend—particularly after sitting in the tents with these families and listening to their stories. The Rohingya are a people group from Myanmar and are currently experiencing a genocide.  The stories of terror, mass killings, torture, […]

Teddy Bears on Brothel Beds

There’s nothing more innocent than a teddy bear. A stuffed animal to calm fears, to play with, and to hold close when a child’s world feels uncertain. Three year-old Nazir excitedly showed us his house—a room no bigger than a double-size bed that hosts his mom’s clients throughout the night. Sitting on top of the […]

“Change Apparel” is Changing Lives!

You want to hear a phenomenal story about how a travel-inspired merchandise brand is making a difference in the lives of babies and toddlers in Cambodia? GLBAL, a cause-focused brand, just launched their company and decided to donate 100% of their campaign profits to support Saving Moses! Following a trip to a remote village in […]

“I Wait For The Sunset”

I wait for the sunset. I look to the sun to know when my life changes and all things become bright, beautiful and loving. My name is Nerith. I am 3 years old. I have dark eyes and skin like a coffee with double cream. My hair is black and curly. My home is wood […]

Feed Your Soul

Every day we are given countless opportunities to show up and prove how beautiful life can be. In our actions and in our words, we have so many opportunities to be kind, to go out of our way for others or engage in the messiness of life, to reveal what is in our heart. When […]

No Matter The Circumstance, The Profession, The Country

We’re getting ready to leave for our next Cambodia Team Trip! We’re so excited to return to Phnom Penh with familiar and new faces! Here’s a guest post from Emily, one of our return travelers this year.  My name is Emily. Last summer, I went on my first overseas trip: a life-changing, eye-opening trip with the […]

Purpose Beyond Circumstances

Saving Moses recently opened a fifth NightCare center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We are asking friends to write letters of hope, love, and prayers to the babies and toddlers in that center who are in desperate need of protection from the sex industry. This letter is from our friend Kate.    Dear Sweet One, Sweet child, […]